16 research outputs found


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    Masyarakat tradisional Batak Toba merupakan masyarakat agraris yang menjadikan permukiman sebagai pusat kehidupan bermasyarakat dan tanah pertanian di sekitarnya sebagai sumber kehidupan mereka. Sebagaimana halnya masyarakat yang mengolah hasil bumi, maka tenaga kerja merupakan sumber daya yang krusial dalam menentukan keberlanjutan produktifitas lahan. Oleh karena itu kehidupan bermasyarakat banyak dikendalikan oleh tuntutan dalam produksi pertanian, sehingga fasilitas fisik dirancang untuk mendukung hal tersebut. Jumlah dan bentuk rumah dalam huta (permukiman) dikembangkan sesuai dengan sistem sosial yang berlaku, dan pembuka lahan pertanian menjadi tokoh panutan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari warga huta. Makalah ini akan membahas bagaimana permukiman Batak Toba mengembangkan pola pembelahan diri menjadi beberapa permukiman pada saat terjadi pertikaian atau persinggungan kepentingan dari warganya. Selanjutnya akan dibahas sejauh mana pola induk dari permukiman asal bertahan dan mengalami transformasi. Pembahasan dalam makalah akan mempersoalkan bahwa modus pertahanan dalam permukiman Batak Toba diselesaikan dengan pendekatan social yang dikemas dengan tata cara ritual dan hukum adat. Dalam makalah ini akan ditunjukkan bahwa konstruksi fisik dari suatu permukiman tradisional merupakan hal yang tak terpisahkan dari konstruksi sosial masyarakatny

    The behaviour of consumer society in consuming food at restaurants and cafes / Sri Astuti and Himasari Hanan

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    Commodity consumption behaviour in eating places is heavily influenced by design factors, either its atmosphere or serving facilities. The preferences of eating places are influenced by the social class of people. The study aims to gain insight on people’s behaviour at restaurants and cafes associated with the design of the eating places. Based on the observations made on three eating places, there are different eating place preference behaviours. Besides its design and facilities, however, there are two types of eating places, which are used either to consume the food served or to enjoy the atmosphere of the place

    Balé-Balé: “Archetype” Arsitektur Tradisional Bali Aga Di Desa Pengotan (Balé-Balé: “Archetype” Of Bali Aga Traditional Architecture At Pengotan Village)

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    Abstract: Bali Aga traditional settlements at Pengotan village, on one hand, exhibits variety of architectural expression, but at the other hand, reveals uniformity in ordering space and house form. All traditional houses in earlier phase are uniform because they are erected according to standardized building customs. Availability of cheaper new building materials and practical construction methods have induced Pengotan people to renovate their traditional houses in present architectural style. This research is to investigate the changing process of house form and to which extent these changes have modified traditional building system. Do inhabitants tend to preserve traditional style or adopt recent architecture. The investigation has indicated that traditional bamboo benches are key preconception of space and form design in Bali Aga traditional houses. Layout system of benches inside and outside the house persisted even though the house has endured renovation. Along the way, the tradition of putting bamboo benches in front the house has induced the concept of verandah in the house. Since traditional houses are placed uniformly in a row, the new verandah has created a long open space for leisure and common activities where people have a free visual and audial access to neighbours. Keywords: balé-balé; Bali Aga; traditional architecture; interactive social space; verandah Abstrak: Arsitektur rumah tradisional Bali Aga di Pengotan berkaitan erat dengan sumber daya alam di sekitarnya dan pola kegiatan penghuni yang dipengaruhi oleh pandangan hidupnya. Permukiman tradisional Bali Aga di desa Pengotan pada satu sisi memperlihatkan keragaman arsitektur, namun pada sisi yang lain memperlihatkan konsistensi dalam tata atur ruang dan bentuk bangunan. Semua rumah, pada awalnya, dibangun dengan mengikuti ketentuan adat sehingga arsitektur semua bangunan adalah seragam. Adanya bahan bangunan baru dan teknologi membangun yang lebih mudah dan murah mendorong orang untuk merenovasi bangunan yang mulai lapuk. Penelitian ini mengkaji bagaimana perubahan bentuk rumah berlangsung, serta bagian mana dari bangunan yang cenderung tetap dan mana yang berubah. Selain itu, pertanyaan penelitian adalah apakah perubahan ini memberikan dampak bagi keberlanjutan rumah tradisional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa balé-balé bambu merupakan komponen bangunan yang menentukan susunan ruang dan bentuk bangunan. Konsep penempatan balé-balé bambu dalam bangunan tidak pernah mengalami perubahan walaupun rumahnya menjadi berubah karena direnovasi. Dalam proses renovasi konsep balé-balé bambu melahirkan konsep ruang yang baru, yaitu ruang teras di depan rumah. Keberadaan ruang teras ini menjadikan halaman rumah sebagai ruang sosial yang interaktif dan produktif. Kata kunci: balé-balé; Bali Aga; arsitektur tradisional; ruang interaksi sosial; ruang tera

    The Role of Community Organizations for Place Design in Bali Aga Pengotan’s Vernacular Settlements

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    The Balinese Aga Pengotan community’s vernacular settlements were built by their ancestors to accommodate daily activities and ritual activities. The Pengotan community undergoes religious activities as part of their daily life, even placing religious ritual activities above everything. The Pengotan community has many ritual agendas and must be attended by all members of the community. The temple is prepared as a place to accommodate ritual ceremonies. A temple as a holy place is a collection of buildings connected by open spaces. The making of holy places is possible to happen because of the involvement of holy people in the ritual organization. This paper discusses the relationship between community organizations to maintain the continuity of the place as a place for ritual ceremonies. This behaviour research uses descriptive exploratory methods with the Observing Physical Trace (OPT) and Observing Environmental Behaviour (OEB) methods. The results show that the holy place was created and maintained for its sustainability by holy people in which the marriage institution was used by the ancestors as the guardian of the place sustainability. Through marriage, a ritual organization is formed to prepare, carry out, and supervise the course of the ritual.Keywords: Bali Aga, vernacular settlement, place, community organization, ritual.DOI: 10.7176/ADS/87-05Publication date: November 30th 202


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    Yogyakarta is well-known as a historical city and the centre of Javanese culture that attracts many tourists to come. In recent year, Yogyakarta has been very popular to domestic and international tourists in that many heritage places in the city have been developed to distinctive tourist destinations, yet no reasonable criteria has been developed to guide its development. This study assumed that places with distinctive identity or character or uniqueness are the most interested object of attraction for tourists. Therefore, the study will explore the sense of place as the important success factor in sustaining a heritage place as tourist attraction and identify aspects of a place that might contribute to its sustainability. Two heritage districts: Kotagede and Kotabaru are selected for evaluating aspects of place that are significantly contributing to the historical and cultural image of the city of Yogyakarta. The study identify and analyze the existing condition of physical attributes, performed activities and conception of the place. Indicators being used are developed from the current research undertaken by geographer and environmental psychologist. The study resulted to the conclusion that an interconnection of many aspects rather than identity of the place is the critical factor for the sustainability of a heritage place

    Implementation of SExI–FS (Spatially Explicit Individual-based Forest Simulator) Model using UAV Aerial Photo Data Case Study: Jatinangor ITB Campus

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    Landscape architecture affected by interaction between built and natural environment such as vegetation. Nowadays, landscape architects are using 3D city models for simulations, which requires highly dynamic and time-varying attributes. 3D city modelling structure has been standardized by CityGML, although researches that are related to the storing of dynamic data had been conducted for the past years, it has not been supported by any standard until this very moment. In dynamizer, it is added as a data structure into a CityGML structure that is already existed, although the existing structure is a static one. Kolbe’s research on dynamic data using CityGML called dynamizer could use the spatial data in more dynamic way by changing its geometric, thematic, or appearance data, but its purpose is not specific for trees or vegetation. In this paper, a method of simulating the vegetation growth using SeXI-FS will be discussed to show the dynamic changes that happen in vegetation as part of the dynamic changes in landscape architecture. The result of this research will be used to address the importance of information on vegetation by studying its changes in Jatinangor ITB Campus and as initial research to build dynamizer in CityGML for landscape architecture

    Sejarah, Teori, dan Kritik Arsitektur 2010

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    Loka karya 50 tahun pendidikan Arsitektur

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    259 b hlm .il

    Analogical Approach To The Interpretation Of Indo-european ArchitectureCase Study: Gedung Sate - Bandung

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    iv;121 hlm.;ill.;bibl.;29 c

    Teknik Struktur Bangunan Dalam Desain Arsitektur.

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    125 hlm.;biblio.;ill.;29 cm